Wake up

Wake up

A little over a year ago we got a new senior pastor at our church. Our previous senior pastor had been serving in that role for 29 years and was retiring. As much as I loved our old pastor, it was time for a change. 

One of the first messages our new pastor spoke was on Mark 5:21-43. (Find his blog post here.) I have always loved this passage as there are so many moving parts and takeaways but, most importantly to me, the gentle urgency of Jesus to the little girl who was sleeping. To me it was like G_D was saying, "I know you are tired. I know you feel like there are insurmountable things beyond your control, but I am here, and we still have work to do." 

The fact that G_D chooses to work with us and share His wonderful plans and processes with us is so inconceivable, yet reading through the scriptures we see it time and time again. He is here. He is moving. He WANTS us to be right beside Him. 

Too many things distract us. Too many things in life try to kill our spirit. Too many times life, circumstances, and spiritual forces try to convince us we are all alone. We are NOT alone! Like Elijah, just because we don't see the faithful, we let the evil of this world convince us that we are the only one. You are NOT the only one. 

I say to you today "sleeping child of G_D", if you still have breath, you still have purpose. G_D is not done with you yet. Wake up, Little Lamb. WAKE UP!

See the shirt that goes with this post here.

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